Physical Gains

Ever dreamt of that flat stomach and totally toned irresistible physique? 

Perhaps preparing for your big day, beach holiday, or wanting to fit into that killer outfit you’ve put aside for special occasions.

If you thought it was impossible, then think again!

Nothing is impossible if you apply a positive mind set, determination, dedication, and couple with the correct professional support that’s right for you. With a tailored physical activity programme, together with nutritional advice, you will be well on your way to achieving your end goal. Whether it’s to lose weight, increase muscle mass, or simply tone up. It is all possible with our expert personal trainer Dr Lateef providing ongoing support and encouragement when you need it the most. Personal training can lead to faster and better results through the use of correct technique and training system to overcome plateaus. Proper technique and supervised exercise will also reduce the risk of injury. In addition to this, ReVibe Fitness will be able to advise on the calorie deficit required to guarantee results for weight loss based on your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE).

Physical gains don’t stop at weight loss and muscle mass.

A regular workout routine can also increase your energy levels and hence improve the quality of life and potentially allow you to fit more into your daily routine.

And there’s more……….

The right types of exercise can help correct posture irregularities (such as kyphosis, lordosis, flatback), help prevent / alleviate back pain, and lead to a stronger core which will provide better balance and stability for the entire body.

It gets even better!!

Exercise will also improve the appearance of your skin due to stimulation of blood flow and production of antioxidants. Another extremely important area of physical gains not to be overlooked is that of strength and conditioning for competitive sports, which, with the correct periodisation planning can lead to improvements in performance.

Whatever your goal, we are here to help you achieve. Go ahead and book your free consultation with ReVibe Fitness today.