11 Feb

Here’s how to target your core muscles and make a start on firmer and better-looking abdominals. Below you’ll find a core circuit you can complete in just half an hour in the comfort of your home, and with minimal equipment - Simple to follow exercises with real results! Each exercise video demonstrates easier and harder variations so you can start at a level which suits you and build up gradually.

Having a strong core not only looks good, but also comes with added health benefits including improved balance and stability for the whole body and better posture. A strong core can also prevent lower back pain and injuries.


30-minute 8 station circuit. As mentioned above, each station exercise (1-8 below) can be adapted to make it easier or harder. Choose which version of each exercise suits you and work through each of the stations in sequence spending 30 seconds on each station, followed by a 10 second rest period before moving onto the next exercise. Complete 3 circuits and have a 20 second rest between those 3 circuits. Please don’t forget to warm up and cool down. Aim for a minimum of three sessions a week to see quicker results. You will need to keep an eye on your diet too, cutting out the junk food and ensuring adequate protein intake (as a guide you should aim for 2g of protein per kg of lean body mass).


1) Bent knee v-up

2) Superman

3) Scissor kicks

4) High / low plank

5) Bicycle crunch

6) Mountain climbers

7) Leg raise

8) Russian twist

V-UP (bent knee) 

Main muscles used: Rectus abdominis (outer abs - the 6 pack)  

Exercise regression: Drop hands to the floor

Exercise progression: Use a flat weight

Start from sitting position and bring the knees and chest together as you breathe out. Release and breathe in.


Main muscles used: Erector spinae (to the left and right, along the length of the spine)

Exercise regression: Lift opposite arm and opposite leg only

Exercise progression: Use a dumbbell

Start in the prone position with arms stretched out in front, keeping the elbows soft. Simultaneously lift arms and legs as you breathe out. Hold for a few seconds at the top, release and breathe in.


Main muscles used: Lower transverse abdominis (inner abs) 

Exercise regression: Take legs higher

Exercise progression: Take legs lower

In the supine position place your hands underneath the glutes to protect the lower back. Lift legs so they are at 45 degrees to the floor and kick. Don’t forget to breathe!


Main muscles used: Rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, erector spinae 

Exercise regression: Drop your knees

Exercise progression: Knees to elbows

Start in the prone position with hands under the shoulders and your shoulders, hips and heels in a straight line. From this high plank position, lower into low plank with elbows under shoulders, forearms out in front and hips level with shoulders. Alternate between high plank and low plank. Breathe out when going into high plank and breathe in when lowering into low plank position.


Main muscles used: Rectus abdominis, obliques (either side of abs, running from hips to rib cage)

Exercise regression: Crunch only (no legs)

Exercise progression: Take legs low and slow

Starting in the supine position, place fingers at the temples, look to the ceiling and lift your chest off the ground. Cycle opposite elbow to opposite  knee and breathe out as you bring elbow to knee.


Main muscles used: Lower Rectus abdominis, lower transverse abdominis

Exercise regression: Tap toes at the top

Exercise progression: Speed it up

From the high plank position bring the knees to the chest one after the other. Don’t forget to breathe! If working on the easier variation, breathe out as you tap the toes at the top.


Main muscles used: Lower Rectus abdominis, lower transverse abdominis

Exercise regression: Lift one leg at a time

Exercise progression: Lift glutes off the floor (garhammer raise)

Starting in the supine position place hands under the glutes to protect the lower back. Lift legs to vertical and lower under control, keeping the legs off the ground. Breathe out as you lift legs and breathe in as you lower.


Main muscles used: Obliques (either side of abs, running from hips to rib cage)

Exercise regression: Drop feet to the ground

Exercise progression: Use a free weight

Start from sitting and lower your back to 45 degrees from the floor. Lift the legs and twist your torso from side to side. Don't forget to breathe.

DISCLAIMER: Please note in following the above routine you do so entirely at your own risk. Please consult with your GP regarding any medical conditions which are of concern and seek medical clearance prior to beginning any exercise programme. Please also consult with your GP prior to embarking on a new exercise programme and /or increasing your physically activity levels. You accept responsibility for providing all of your own equipment, clothing and footwear and the instructor will not accept any liability arising out of defective equipment. You acknowledge that the instructor is not present with you and cannot make an adequate assessment of the area where you are exercising and it is your responsibility to ensure the area is clear, safe, and free from any hazards which may cause injury to yourself or to others. You acknowledge that you are responsible for exercising within your own skill and fitness levels. If you feel the moves you are completing are above your current skill level you must cease immediately. Likewise, if you feel any discomfort, pain, sickness or dizziness you will immediately stop the activity.