30 Sep

Tried and tested by ReVibe Fitness this kettlebell workout has been praised by our fitness class members as the go to workout for an engaging routine which gives fast noticeable results for a trimmer and more toned you.  

Kettlebells are a great way to combine cardio with resistance training for enhanced results in shorter time. The kettlebell swing on its own is said to burn more calories than any other cardiovascular activity, and without compromising on your muscle mass due to the kettlebell resistance weight used. Protecting muscle mass is important in order to maintain the number of calories our body burns at rest, so you are not having to further reduce your calorie intake to sustain the results achieved. Most kettlebell exercises make use of compound movements which work multiple muscle groups in one go therefore providing a more time-efficient approach to working out for those individuals leading busy lives. Kettlebells are also known to train the posterior chain which is often under-utilized in most other workout routines, so this is a great little tool for working on muscle balance throughout the whole body. It’s also a great way to increase the intensity of your workout whilst staying with low impact moves for a joint friendly workout. In summary, a very versatile tool which can be used for most fitness goals including weight loss, endurance, hypertrophy, and strength.

Run through the below 10 min routine 3 times a week for 1 month. Keep an eye on your diet and try to eat healthy too as this is also crucial in order to achieve the desired results. The energy in should definitely be less than the energy out! If the full routine is too demanding to begin, it is ok to take a 20 second rest after stage 5 and another 20 seconds after stage 6. Gradually reduce the rest period and work your endurance levels up so you can run through the entire routine beginning to end without the need to stop. Good luck and do drop us a note and let us know what results you achieve. 

If you are new to kettlebells please use a lighter weight (4kg) and focus on breathing and correct technique for maximum impact, prior to increasing the weight.


1) 20 swings

2) 20 slingshots (x10 in each direction)

4) 20 figure of 8 / hold 

5) 20 swings 

6) 20 side lunge, rack, press, squat, upright row (x10 in each direction)

7) 20 swings

8) 20 slingshots (x10 in each direction)

9) 20 figure of 8 / hold 

10) 20 swings



Full body workout. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, hips back, arms straight with elbows soft. From this position use your hips to swing the kettlebell. Take the kettlebell horizontal for the Russian swing and overhead for the more challenging American swing. Don’t forget to squeeze your glutes when the kettlebell is at the highest. Breathe in as the kettlebell goes up and breath in on the way down.


Working your shoulders, arms, back and chest. Start with your feet shoulder width apart, soft knees, neutral spine. Keep the hips fixed, squeeze the glutes, pull in your abdominals and rotate the kettlebell around the body.


Targeting most muscle groups in the entire body. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and kettlebell in one hand. Keeping your chest up and the weight in your heels, squat down slightly and pass the kettlebell through the legs, transferring the kettlebell to other hand from behind. Bring the kettlebell from behind to your chest and repeat on the other side. Breathe out as the kettlebell comes up and breathe in as the kettlebell goes down.



The side lunge will target the inner thigh, glutes, hamstrings and quads. With your feet facing forward, lunge to the side pushing your hips back and keeping the knee behind the toes and weight in the heel. Breathe in on the way down and breathe out as you come back up to standing, taking the kettlebell into the rack position as you come up. The kettlebell handle should sit between the forefinger and thumb and cut diagonally across the palm of your hand. Ensure your wrist is straight and fingers loose. From this position take the kettlebell overhead into the shoulder press, breathing out as you press up. Move from the kettlebell shoulder press into the squat which will work your glutes, hamstrings and quads. Take the kettlebell squat as low as you can go whilst maintaining a neutral spine, keeping the chest up and weight in your heels. Breathe out as you come back up to standing. Finish off with the upright row working your upper back and shoulders, bringing the hands under your chin and the elbows just slightly above parallel to the floor. Breathe out as you drive the kettlebell up.

DISCLAIMER: Please note in following the above routine you do so entirely at your own  risk. Please consult with your GP regarding any medical conditions which are of concern and seek medical clearance prior to beginning any exercise programme. Please also consult with your GP prior to embarking on a new exercise programme and /or increasing your physically activity levels. You accept responsibility for providing all of your own equipment, clothing and footwear and the instructor will not accept any liability arising out of defective equipment. You acknowledge that the instructor is not present with you and cannot make an adequate assessment of the area where you are exercising and it is your responsibility to ensure the area is clear, safe, and free from any hazards which may cause injury to yourself or to others. You acknowledge that you are responsible for exercising within your own skill and fitness levels. If you feel the moves you are completing are above your current skill level you must cease immediately. Likewise, if you feel any discomfort, pain, sickness or dizziness you will immediately stop the activity.